Health, Lifestyle and Wellness
‘N Nuwe Aarde – Eckhart Tolle
Ons het elkeen die krag om ‘n verskil te maak. ‘n Nuwe Aarde begin by jou. Eckhart Tolle begin waar hy met The Power of Now opgehou het en bied die geestelike agtergrond waarmee enige iemand sy of haar eie lewe – en dus die wereld – beter en betekenisvoller kan maak
Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smocking – Allen Carr
Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking is a self-help classic, with over 20 million copies sold worldwide. It has been a #1 bestseller in nine European countries
Aphrodisiac – Marion McGilvary
At last, a no-holds barred guide to all those things mother nature didn't want us to know until we are older
Bellydance – Dolphina
Whether you want a great way to get fit and have fun with the girls or learn a new art of seduction, “Bellydance” is the guide for you
Entertaining With Potjiekos – Matie Brink
This is ideal book for all cooks who wish to treat their guests to mouth watering fare from big belly of the traditional three legged pot
Home Sausage Making – Susan Mahnke Peery, Charles G. Reavis
Peery and Reavis show readers in step-by-step illustrated fashion how to make a variety of classic sausages, a complete guide to sausage preservation along with care and storage advice for the individual varieties included
Kama Sutra
A deluxe special edition with a beautiful satin-bound cover and clasp of the classic “Kama Sutra” or “Aphorisms on Love”
Organic Baby – Kimberly Rider
Beautifully laid out with lots of up to date information on what’s safe and what’s not in terms of toxicity in today’s material world
Sri Owen’s Indonesian Food – Sri Owen
Renowned author Sri Owen offers enchanting recollections of the food and cooking of her youth, while delving into the historical role of food in the region’s culture and society
The Bicycling Big Book of Training – Danielle Kosecki (editor)
An encouraging, focused training book that will speak to beginner and intermediate cyclists without making them feel like novices. It covers all the information the reader needs to begin an effective training regimen
The Plantpower Way – Rich Roll, Julie Piatt
A transformative family lifestyle guide on the power of plant-based eating, with 120 recipes from world-renowned vegan ultra-distance athlete Rich Roll and his chef wife Julie Piatt
The Runner’s World Big Book of Marathon and Half-Marathon Training – Jennifer Van Allen, Bart Yasso, Amby Burfoot
Provides readers the core essentials of marathon training, nutrition, injury prevention, and more
This Is Why You’Re Fat (And How To Get Thin Forever) – Jackie Warner
America's favorite no-nonsense celebrity fitness trainer shares her revolutionary weight-loss program, showing readers the best ways to drop kilos and centimeters fast
Weefselsoute vir kinders – Margaret Roberts
Die 12 belangrikste weefselsoute is minerale wat perfek gebalanseerd in ons liggame teenwoordig behoort te wees om optimale gesondheid te verseker. Hierdie merkwaardige soute kom in die aarde se gesteentes en grond voor en in gewasse wat organies in mineraalryke grond verbou is
Working With Your Sixth Sense – Theresa Cheung
We have all experienced moments of “knowing” that defy logic and reason. But just what is this extra sense and how does it work?