Holy Cows – Gareth van Onselen
Outspoken columnist Gareth van Onselen boldly tackles South Africa’s holy cows, those touchy subjects we hesitate to mention by name for fear of offence or being misunderstood
I Can Juggle Now – Andre The Hilarious Hypnotist
Andre The Hilarious Hypnotist’s show has been seen by thousands of people in South Africa, bordering African countries, England and Australia
I Moved Your Cheese – Darrel Bristow-Bovey
This is the humorous self-help book for people lying on the sofa
The Giant Bathroom Reader
Contents include: Weird Laws from around the world, Scientific Snippets, Astounding News Stories, Urban Legends, Crazy Animals, Brief Histories of everything from the Third Reich to Ancient Breakfasts, Peculiar Inventions, and much, much more